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Frequently asked questions by various stakeholders
Why Classic?
Start here to get the lowdown on Ethereum Classic's reason for being and unique value proposition
Further reading on the foundations that underpin ETC
A collection of videos and podcasts to keep you informed on ETC concepts and happenings
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Magic happens when people come together and share ideas, and participants throughout the ETC community have spontaneously organized to form real life and online gatherings to focus their attention on improving Ethereum Classic.

Community Calls

Every Thursday, usually at UTC 1500, a group voice chat takes place in the Ethereum Classic Discord server. The call is streamed to YouTube, but you can also join 1 hour before we go live, at 1400 UTC, to chat off the record in the Green Room.

Occasionally a special guest will join the chat for Questions and Answers with the community. These calls are usually recorded, and you can find these recordings on the ETC Community Calls repository.

Everybody, regardless of level of involvement in ETC, is welcome to join this chat and there is usually time available to open the floor to questions if you'd like to bring something up.

ETC Summit

Since Ethereum Classic's inception (barring global travel restrictions), each year an ETC Summit has been held in various cities all over the world.

These in-person conferences allow otherwise internet-only community members to meet and great in the flesh, to better coordinate and hash out ideas, maybe over a drink or two.

Some community members also take the stage and present ideas on a number of topics related to Ethereum Classic.

So far, the following summits have been held:

  • 2019 Vancouver
  • 2018 Seoul
  • 2017 Hong Kong

Videos of the presentations are available under the Videos > Conferences section.

Core Dev Calls

The ETC Core Devs Call is a technical discussion call for developers working on the Ethereum Classic clients and/or ECIP process.

These calls have no set schedule, but occur fairly frequently throughout the year. Proposed calls are announced in the form of GitHub issues in the ECIPs repo.

If you would like to contribute by adding or correcting information to this page, please drop a message on Discord or create an issue on GitHub

This page exists thanks in part to the following contributors:

  • EnglishEnglish
  • 中文中文
  • DeutschDeutsch
  • EspañolEspañol
  • FrançaisFrançais
  • ΕλληνικάΕλληνικά
  • हिन्दीहिन्दी
  • HrvatskiHrvatski
  • MalayMalay
  • ItalianoItaliano
  • 日本語日本語
  • 한국어한국어
  • NederlandsNederlands
  • русскийрусский
  • اَلْعَرَبِيَّةُاَلْعَرَبِيَّةُ
  • ภาษาไทยภาษาไทย
  • TürkTürk
  • Tiếng ViệtTiếng Việt
  • Editor
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ETC Coop Discord
ETC Coop Discord
ETC Labs Github
ETC Labs Github
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  • FAQs
  • Why Classic?
  • Knowledge
  • Videos

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