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Ethereum Classic Blog

ETC website translated to Spanish


It is a pleasure to announce that the EthereumClassic.org website is now available in Spanish.

The main content on this website (including this blog post) has been automatically machine-translated into Spanish and can be viewed by using the globe icon at the top right of each page.

Historical blog posts and user-submitted submitted content such as apps are not translated, but can be. Videos and news links available in specific languages are also able to be listed.

As these translations were generated by a computer, there may be grammatical and contextual errors throughout, but now that the internationalization (i18n) system and contribution workflow is live, we encourage community members to help us improve this content.

Translations are managed via Crowdin, a popular service for collaborating on localization, which should make the contribution process as seamless as possible. Crowdin has graciously granted the Ethereum Classic project an open source license, which allows us to use their service for without payment.

Screenshot of Crowdin Inline Editor
Screenshot of Crowdin Inline Editor

In the coming weeks, additional languages will also be added including German, French, Greek, Hindi, Croatian, Malay, Italian, Japanese, Dutch, Russian, Arabic, Thai, Turkish and Vietnamese.

If you would like to help contribute to Ethereum Classic by suggesting additional languages or correcting translations, please check out the instructions for contributing on the ETC Website GitHub Repository.

  • EnglishEnglish
  • 中文中文
  • DeutschDeutsch
  • EspañolEspañol
  • FrançaisFrançais
  • ΕλληνικάΕλληνικά
  • हिन्दीहिन्दी
  • HrvatskiHrvatski
  • MalayMalay
  • ItalianoItaliano
  • 日本語日本語
  • 한국어한국어
  • NederlandsNederlands
  • русскийрусский
  • اَلْعَرَبِيَّةُاَلْعَرَبِيَّةُ
  • ภาษาไทยภาษาไทย
  • TürkTürk
  • Tiếng ViệtTiếng Việt
  • Editor
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