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ETC Core Devs Call 22: ECIP-1049 Proposed Rejection

ETC Core Devs Call 22 - ECIP-1049 Proposed Rejection
ETC Core Devs Call 22 - ECIP-1049 Proposed Rejection

ETC Core Devs Call 22 - ECIP-1049 Proposed Rejection


ECIP-1000 Clause: "ECIPs should be changed from Draft or Last Call status, to Rejected, upon request by any person, if they have not made progress in three years. Such a ECIP may be changed to Draft status if the champion provides revisions that meaningfully address public criticism of the proposal, or to Last Call if it meets the criteria required as described in the previous paragraph."

The reason for "Rejected" status under this clause is that the champion has not met this requirement during the three years: "the champion provides revisions that meaningfully address public criticism of the proposal". Rather, the champion has ignored much valid criticism and abandoned the proposal. https://ecips.ethereumclassic.org/ECIPs/ecip-1000

  • Follow Up from: #382

  • Formal Proposed Rejection: #394 comment

  • Documented Github Opposition: #394 comment

  • If time permits: review ECIP-1094 and ECIP-1096 for activity. Newer proposals but appear to be abandoned by the authors as well. Should these be Withdrawn?

Please review the issue thread to find the most up to date information.

It should be noted in this new discussion thread, this ECIP appears to be contentious (as documented in all the previous threads/recordings) and has a high-probability of a chain split between the GPU Miners on ETCHash and the FPGA & ASIC miners on SHA3.

Recording of Core Devs Call 22

  • To be posted after meeting...


  • To be updated after meeting...

Please direct future commentary to the newest ECIP 1049 discussion thread. However, please review the historical threads. There is plenty of technical discussion.

ETC Core Devs Call 22 - ECIP-1049 Proposed Rejection
ETC Core Devs Call 22 - ECIP-1049 Proposed Rejection
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