Core Devs Call: IOHK Checkpointing Presentation and Q&A

ETC Core Devs Call - IOHK Checkpointing Presentation and Q&A
- When: Friday, September 04, 2020. 14:00 UTC; 30 minute presentation followed by Q&A
- Where: Crowdcast
Please follow the meeting discussion here as they finalize the variables in real-time:
Checkpointing Presentation
IOHK (IOG) has released ECIP-1097 #347 which covers their proposed "Checkpointing" system which aims to prevent 51% attacks on ETC. They'll explain the proposal and conduct a presentation, followed by a community Q&A.
The goal of this call is simply to get contributors, community members, stakeholders and especially other teams who have created similar proposals (They implore other proposal authors @max-sanchez, @VeriBlock, @Dexaran, @rsksmart, @rootstock to show up to ask as many questions as needed) to properly understand this proposal. More details to come.
Questions will be submitted directly in the Crowdcast meeting (Link will be posted when date/time is confirmed)
- Checkpointing Explanation Video:
- Securing Ethereum Classic via Checkpointing:
- Securing PoW Ledgers via Checkpointing Paper:
Recording of Core Devs Call
- Crowdcast