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Ethereum Classic Blog

Core Devs Call: Process Feedback

Core Devs Call: Process Feedback
Core Devs Call: Process Feedback

Preface: Ethereum Classic suffered a second round of 51% attacks. As a result of the attacks, the development ecosystem around Ethereum Classic has seen a surge in activity via proposed solutions to safeguard the network.

Participant Feedback

The 8/20 Core Dev Call set out with the intent of "proposal gathering and discussion only" for the next hard fork on the Ethereum Classic network. Many of the participants felt the call lacked adequate time for proposal explanation, discussion, and constructive dialogue. These topics are technical in nature and cannot be accomplished in a one hour audio call. In fact, an hour call for each topic likely is not a sufficient amount of time to thoroughly analyze each proposal. Charles Hoskinson of Input Output Global offered some feedback on his experience with the CDC: Process for Decision Making and Innovation for ETC.

Everyone's time is valuable and no one likes to feel like they wasted their resources. Hopefully the consensus builders can take this feedback constructively and adjust the modus operandi for future technical calls. Also development teams have the freedom to host their own calls to adequately discuss their proposals. Participation in the network is encouraged, there are no centralized leaders in Ethereum Classic. Your voice is valuable. Join the conversation and be heard.

In an effort to steer the dialogue down a constructive path, please engage in the technical threads related to the proposals. The following is not an exhaustive list, due to the volume of new proposals, but this article will be updated as proposals formalize to the ECIP process.

Algorithm-Agnostic Proposals to PoW Security

Change the Algorithm Proposals

Parity with ETH Discussions:

  • EIP-2315: Simple Subroutines for the EVM
  • EIP-2537: BLS12-381 curve operations
  • EIP-2046: Reduced gas cost for static calls made to precompiles
  • EIP-2565: Repricing of the EIP-198 ModExp precompile

Other ETC topics:

Contribute to the Discussion

The development proposals are where technical discussions occur. To stay current on Ethereum Classic development, please read and participate in the ECIP repo.

Documentation of August 20, 2020 Core Devs Call

Core Devs Call: Process Feedback
Core Devs Call: Process Feedback
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