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ETC Rundown — What’s new this week (3/6/18)!

Anthony (pyskell)

Read this article on Medium (looks nicer)

Wanted to give everyone a quick rundown of what ETC has been up to this week. There’s been a flurry of news about the Callisto airdrop and some news may have gotten missed in the shuffle.

So what happened in ETC last week?

New people

ETCDEV took on a new hire, Richard Schumann, who is working on improving the graphics and usability of ETCDEV projects for end users.

Here’s a little preview of the ETCDEV projects he’ll be working on.

We’ve also upped our moderation team. Mario Michel is now a mod on the main Telegram and the Forums, some community members decided to start and mod a second Telegram, and there’s an ETC Italia Telegram! Molto bene!

ETC Cooperative is Expanding

They’ve added a Board of Advisors with some very well known people in Cryptocurrencies, in alphabetical order: Igor Artamanov, Charles Hoskinson, Elaine Ou, Barry Silbert, James Wo.

They’re also hiring additional personnel, creating a system to fund community-driven projects, revamping the ETC website, and have a few surprise announcements coming.

The full announcement can be seen here.

Community Fund

In the coming weeks we’ll announce a community fund with $500k+ to put towards projects. These are funds that have been donated by the community and are going to be put to good use improving the ETC ecosystem.

If you’d like to get started before launch, you can out the Ecosystem Proposal section on the forums. A bigger announcement will be coming with the official launch.

Centra Card adds ETC

ETC is now spendable with a Centra Card debit card.

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