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Who's Talking at the Classic Summit

pyskell (Anthony)

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First, a disclaimer, despite what you may think I have no inside information, and honestly prefer the lack of hype to major hype. Major hype is unstable. So get excited, but don’t get hyped.

Digital Currency Group (DCG)

Created the Ethereum Classic Investment Trust which brought additional investment into Classic. They also created the ETC Cooperative which is funding the summit and seeking to fund other projects that improve the Classic ecosystem.

DCG will be represented by Barry Silbert (CEO), Meltem Demirrors (Director), and Matthew Beck (Research Associate).


Has given us geth for ETC (after EF refused to support us), Emerald Wallet, two blockchain explorers, new dev tools, and lots more. They’ve got a whole roadmap you can check out.

Four members of ETCDEV will be attending, Igor Artamonov (CTO), Constantine Kryvomaz (Rust Developer), and Isaac Ardis (Go Developer), and Matt Mazur (Advisor) who will be talking about the ETC Monetary Policy.

Input Output Hong Kong (IOHK)

Is developing a new ETC node called Mantis, formalized the EVM in K (fancy maths; great for Classic), gave us Let’s Talk ETC, and is tying ETC in with their Cardano platform.

IOHK is sending four employees, Charles Hoskinson (CEO), Christian Seberino (Education), Alan McSherry (ETC Developer), and Alan Verbner (ETC Developer). A couple of them have been on Let’s Talk ETC as well: Charles on Let’s Talk ETC and Alan on Let’s Talk ETC.

Cody Burns

He’s worked on Classic Ether Wallet, proposed how we can have private addresses on ETC, and wants to give us cross-chain atomic swaps. Cody on Let’s Talk ETC.

Stewart Mackenzie

Founded Fractalide, a marketplace designed to make ETC contracts easier to develop. Stewart on Let’s Talk ETC.

Jihan Wu

He runs Bitmain and Antpool, the largest Bitcoin mining pool.

Anyway this is only about half of the attendees, there’s lots more miners, exchange operators, developers attending and contributing to Classic. So again, get excited, but don’t get hyped!

#####by Pyskell

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