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ETC Development Report

Hi everyone, thank you for checking out this week's ETC newsletter! Big shout out and many thanks to all the developers, community members, user's and investors. We have a special update this week from Snaproll regarding his monetary policy proposal which was in last week's newsletter. There is also a great report just released by IOHK breaking down the Dash governance/treasury model. Thank you for taking the time to read and distribute this newsletter, looking forward to your thoughts.

ETC monetary policy update courtesy of Snaproll.

  • "I started doing some drafting of the ECIP for monetary policy and realized that we needed to get this thing airtight in terms of numbers, so I started reworking the spreadsheet used for analysis to enable better results......"
  • Please see his full post from reddit.
  • Monetary policy discussions are still in progress on many platforms. However, most of the conversation seems to be taking place on the #monetary_policy channel on Slack.
  • Please join us on Slack.
  • For more information on community participation, please see this call to action post for guidance.

Let's talk ETC! Tuesdays at 7:30pm EST.

Every Tuesday at 7:30pm EST we will be discussing what's going on in the ETC community and beyond. This week's show (11-15-16) will feature a special guest from the Dash community, Bill Cassidy. We will be discussing the Dash governance model as well as other blockchain centric topics. The link to the channel/show will be posted below, if you have ideas or questions please let us know. Thank you for subscribing to our latest updates and announcements!

Report released by IOHK breaking down Dash governance model.

IOHK has just released a report that breaks down some of the pros and cons encompassing the Dash governance/treasury system. It's a very enlightening report that definitely benefits both the Dash and ETC community. Special thanks to the Dash community for always being so open to communication and collaboration.

Interesting proof of work/proof of stake hybrid paper released.

Interesting proof of work/proof of stake hybrid paper released by Virgina Commonwealth University. A link to the paper as well as the discussion on reddit is posted below.

"Call To Action" still in effect. Looking for community contributions for the ETC Wikipedia page.

Reddit user "bitp" has brought it to the communities attention that the "Ethereum Classic" Wikipedia link currently redirects to "Ethereum". ETC community member /u/FaceDeer was previously a Wikipedia editor and has provided some insight on what should be done moving forward. One of his recommendations is that we start the process by adding to the Ethereum Classic section that is currently on the Ethereum Wikipedia page. ETC can then be given its own page after volunteers have submitted enough info. Please see his full post in the reddit thread linked below.

Community Metrics:

  • Twitter - 33,500 followers.
  • Reddit /r/EthereumClassic - 2,836 subscribers.
  • Slack - 1,453 users.
  • Telegram - 786 users.
  • WeChat - 476 users.
  • Miners - 541.98 Total GH/s

Top 5 miners by average hashrate from the previous 7 days:

  • NanoPool 112.89 GH/s
  • 91pool 91.33 GH/s
  • MiningPoolHub 72.08 GH/s
  • EtherMine 50.38 GH/s
  • Coinotron 35.33 GH/s
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