What can I do to help Ethereum Classic project?

So, you understand the value proposition of open, neutral and immutable blockchains and share Ethereum Classic principles. You would like to join the community and help original Ethereum vision to succeed. What can you do? Here are some ideas:
Get a Classic wallet
Create new Ethereum Classic wallet in few easy steps. Running a web-based Classic wallet is also possible: http://classicetherwallet.com/
Run a Classic node
We need better network bootstrapping. Run a dedicated Classic node. If your node maintains good uptime and network connectivity, please notify the developers so they can add them to bootstrap list. Also, please consider adding your node to network status monitor (Netstat): http://etcstats.net/
Help with community tools
There is a community-driven effort to create ethereumclassic.com website. If you are interested to participate, please join the discussion.
Another initiative is to create Ethereum Classic Guide and improve overall quality of documentation. ETC should be accessible to anyone, and easy to start with!
Ethereum Classic wiki needs some love as well. Please share your knowledge and help others get going with Classic.
Contribute to development
If you have skills, please consider joining our dev team. We are working actively on geth/mist/etherwallet, but we need developers to begin migrating/restoring other clients and key supporting software.
Alternatively, you can help improve community tools. Block explorer improvement is our top priority right now. Beta support for exploring addresses and transactions appeared, but more is needed. Block explorers are essential, and before Classic there were no open source ones in Ethereum ecosystem.
Mine the original chain
Start mining to support network and earn classic ethers (ETC). Difficulty is relatively low, so even solo miners have a decent chance to find a classic block or two. Here is some info on solo mining, ETC mining guides and tips. Join in on the fun!
There are many Classic pools now, some of them listed on our website. New pools, please list yourself on ETC Wiki.
The pools are run independently of Ethereum Classic project, so do your own due diligence. BTW, why don't you start running your own Classic pool? Here is some opensource code, if you are interested.
Trade ETC for fun and profit
Trading classic ethers (ETC) is important as it gives our chain tokens value, attracting more miners.
ETC trading is now live on all the major crypto-exchanges. Bitfinex, Poloniex, Kraken offer trading pairs such as ETC/BTC, ETC/USD and ETC/ETH. Updated exchange list can be found on the front page of our website. Please trade ETC if you are interested in active market forming or want to increase your stake in the success of Ethereum Classic.
Spread the word
Please help us spread the word about Ethereum Classic around Ethereum community and beyond! You can use this logo set, or create something better still. Start websites. Write blog posts. Tweet. Let people know about Ethereum Classic and its value proposition.
ETC: 0xe9a7e26bf5c05fe3bae272d4c940bd7158611ce9
ETH: 0xda99c6385e7ec0a7b4031c393dac01b600341fc3
BTC: 1953UK8Y849SZqfDEnn3Zu4AM98hwWk3Kw
Feeling like something needs to be done, and no one is doing it? Take the initiative! Ask around our Slack channel if there is something urgent to be done.
Thanks for your support, and let's move our chain along! Stay classy, everyone! ;)